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Saturday, July 30, 2011

ZUNDAF 2007 – 2011 Final Evaluation

ZUNDAF 2007 – 2011 Final Evaluation

Duty Station:Harare - Zimbabwe
Deadline:10 Aug 2011 (11 days left)
Level:National Consultant
Duration:(6) Six Months Expected Duration of Assignment :TBD

The final evaluation of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF will serve the following purpose:

* To determine the extent to which ZUNDAF outcomes were achieved and to analyze the extent to which outcomes achieved made a worthwhile contribution to national development priorities and the achievement of MDGs;
* To determine how ZUNDAF helped UN agencies to contribute more effectively and efficiently to national development efforts and capacity building;
* To determine if and how the UN agencies worked together in implementing ZUNDAF;
* To determine whether resources were utilized as per plan and in accordance with agreed modalities;
* To establish lessons learned by the UN agencies through their cooperation during ZUNDAF implementation;
* To learn from experiences of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF, and identify issues and opportunities emerging from its implementation to inform successful implementation of the 2012-2015 ZUNDAF, including the design of programmes and projects through the JIM and agency action plans.
Objectives, Key Questions and Scope

Objectives and Key Questions:

Objectives of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF final evaluation are indicated below. For all objectives, the final evaluation is expected to produce lessons learnt which will serve to enhance the UNCT’s ability to more positively impact the lives of Zimbabweans. As such, results of the evaluation should serve to inform ZUNDAF implementation as well as current and future planning and design.

Assess the role and relevance of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF in relation to the issues being addressed and their underlying causes, and challenges, and as a reflection of the internationally agreed goals, particularly those in the Millennium Declaration and international norms and standards guiding the work of agencies of the UN system and adopted by UN member states:

* Did the ZUNDAF outcomes address key issues, their underlying causes, and challenges identified in the 2004 Zimbabwe MDGs Report?
* Were the outcomes and indicators clearly articulated in the ZUNDAF?
* Were new issues and their causes as well as opportunities and challenges that arose during the ZUNDAF cycle adequately addressed?
* How has the UNCT supported the transition / recovery agenda through the ZUNDAF?
* Has the ZUNDAF results matrix been sufficiently flexible to adjust to evolving national policies and strategies e.g. National Development Plans and Goals, and legislative reform particularly within the post crisis recovery period?
* Were the UN agencies flexible and responsive to a changing environment in Zimbabwe? How did the agencies and ZUNDAF respond to this changing environment?
* Have the ZUNDAF outcomes been relevant in terms of internationally agreed goals and commitments, norms and standards guiding the work of agencies of the UN system (including the Millennium Declaration, MDGs and UN human rights treaties such as CRC and CEDAW)?
Assess the effectiveness of ZUNDAF in terms of progress towards agreed ZUNDAF outcomes. To the extent possible, assess the impact of ZUNDAF on the lives of vulnerable groups, i.e. determine whether there is any major change in ZUNDAF indicators that can reasonably be attributed to or be associated with ZUNDAF:

* What progress has been made towards the realization of ZUNDAF outcomes as a contribution to the achievement of MDGs and in terms of indicators as reflected in the ZUNDAF M&E Plan?
* To what extent and in what ways was special emphasis placed on strengthening of national capacities, building partnerships, promoting innovation, the realization of human rights and promoting gender equity and equality?
* Which are the main factors that contributed to the realization or non-realization of the outcomes?
* How were risks and assumptions addressed during the implementation of programmes and projects?
* To what extent and in what ways did UN support promote national execution of programmes and / or the use of national expertise and technologies?
Analyze the extent to which results achieved and strategies used by the supported country programmes and projects are sustainable as a contribution to national development and in terms of the added value of ZUNDAF for cooperation among individual UN agencies:

* To what extent and in what ways have national capacities been enhanced in government, civil society and NGOs?
* What mechanisms have been put in place to support the country access aid funds, and reinforce their sector-based coordination and management?
* Have complementarities, collaboration and/or synergies fostered by ZUNDAF contributed to greater sustainability of results of Country Programmes and projects of individual UN agencies?
Assess the effectiveness of ZUNDAF as a coordination and partnership framework. To the extent possible, assess the efficiency of the ZUNDAF as a mechanism to minimize transaction costs of UN support for the government and for the UN agencies:

* To what extent and in what ways has ZUNDAF contributed to achieving better synergies among the programmes of UN agencies?
* Has the ZUNDAF enhanced joint programming by agencies and/or resulted in specific joint programmes?
* Were the strategies employed by agencies complementary and synergistic?
* Have agency supported programmes been mutually reinforcing in helping to achieve ZUNDAF outcomes?
* Has the effectiveness of programme support by individual agencies been enhanced as a result of joint programming?
* Did ZUNDAF promote effective partnerships and strategic alliances around the main ZUNDAF outcome areas (e.g. national partners, International Financial Institutions and other external support agencies)?
Assess the extent to which ZUNDAF TGs and other coordination mechanisms have been an efficient and effective means of ZUNDAF implementation and have influenced individual agency planning. Determine the extent to which the ZUNDAF coordination mechanisms have contributed to advance gender equality and social inclusion, and Human Rights Based Approaches in UN agencies’ programming.

* To what extent and in what ways has ZUNDAF contributed to a reduction of transaction cost for the government and for each of the UN agencies?
* In what ways could transaction costs be further reduced?
* Were results achieved in a cost efficient manner and at reasonably low or lowest possible cost?
* To what extend did ZUNDAF contribute towards gender equality and social inclusion?
Assess the validity and relevance of the stated collective comparative advantage of the UN System:

* To what extent and in what ways have the comparative advantages of the UN organizations been utilized in the national context (including universality, neutrality, voluntary and grant-nature of contributions, multilateralism, and the special mandates of UN agencies) both during the humanitarian crisis as well as the recovery period?
* To what extent did the UN agencies work together and what synergies were created by this approach?
Assess the linkage between the ZUNDAF and the humanitarian Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) as some of the ZUNDAF outcomes are also achieved through relief efforts which at the same time build a foundation for recovery and development.

Evaluation Scope:

The evaluation will cover all the six outcomes of the ZUNDAF:

* Reduction of the spread of infection, improvement in the quality of life of those infected, and mitigation of the impact of HIV and AIDS;
* Enhanced national capacity and ownership of national processes towards the attainment of the MDGs by 2015;
* Strengthened mechanisms for promoting the rule of law, dialogue, participation in the decision making process, and protection of human rights;
* Reduction in the negative social, economic, political, cultural and religious practices that sustain gender disparity;
* Improved access to good quality and equitable basic social services;
* Improved food security and sustainable management of natural resources and the environment.
The UNDAF outcome indicators will be used to measure the attainment of these outcomes.


Core Values and Ethics:

* Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and be able to work in a multi-cultural environment;
* Comply with UN rules and regulations and code of conduct;
* Demonstrates a high degree of integrity.

* Interacts at all levels of staff/organization;
* Excellent interpersonal skills;
* Building and sharing knowledge;
* Provides guidance and support to others.

* Excellent oral and written skills;
* Listens actively and responds effectively.
Task Management:

* Plans, prioritizes and delivers a variety of tasks on time;
* Exercises sound judgment/analysis;
* Develops creative solutions and risk management solutions.

* Able to plan and manage the overall work of the evaluation exercise;
* Able to lead a small team of professional consultants.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.

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