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Saturday, July 30, 2011

UNDP needs National Project Officer - Family Support, Justice and Security Programme

National Project Officer - Family Support, Justice and Security Programme

Duty Station:Baghdad - Iraq
Deadline:13 Aug 2011 (14 days left)
* Under the authority of the Resident Representative, the Country Director, the Deputy Country Director (Programme);
* Under the overall supervision of Governance Cluster Manager;
* Under the direct supervision of the Governance Human Rights and Access to Justice Project Manager and in coordination with the Senior Gender Advisor.
Summary of key functions:

Support Project Implementation Focusing on achievements of the following:

* Coordinate internally with the Project Manager and Technical Advisor the implementation of the Family Support, Justice and Security Programme.
* Coordinate with all relevant stakeholders, including engagement with senior Government Officials, for the execution and implementation of The Project .
* Provide advice and support to the technical staff working with The Project.
* Monitor and Report on the development of implementation of The Projects.
* Provide technical inputs into The Project on all outputs.
* Liaising with all key national and international stakeholders—key domestic political and civic actors, civil society organizations, international NGOs, UN partners, donors - in the context of the above functions; and establish and update a related database.
* Report on work of other relevant actors in the area of GBV and DV activities for purpose of coordination and the identification of synergies.
* Provide mentoring to the Family Protection Directorate, Family Protection Units and all relevant national stakeholders in the Family Support, Justice and Security Programme.
* Provide advice and assistance in data collection to establish baselines to monitor progress in relation to The Project, including as required a Violence Against Women (VAW) database for Iraq.
* Provide support to the Project Manager and the TA to identify capacity building programmes to Family Protection Directorate and all relevant actors such as Law enforcement officer, social workers, legal professionals, and Civil Society Organizations.
* Conduct research to assist in the development of concept notes, project documents and policy frameworks as directed by supervisor.
* Provide technical advice and substantive support to the Family Protection Directorate.
* Organise, facilitate, conduct, attend and monitor trainings and workshops as advised.
* Perform other work-related outputs as requested by the project manager including administrative and logistical work.
* Assist in translating , drafting and processing of correspondence and taking notes at meetings as required.
Overall supervision and management of multidisciplinary project / initiatives focusing on achievement of the following results.

* Preparation of accurate and timely reports on the progress of project activities with specific focus on the indicators achieved, timely delivery and funds utilized.
* Perpetration of work plans, mentoring and reporting on project achievements.
* Provide and /or develop inputs for annual work plans.
Provision of analytical and design support to the Governance Pillar and broader Country Office initiatives:

* Design of sectoral programme initiatives to support broader Governance pillar and Country Programme goals and to ensure quality design.
* Analysis of sectoral programme initiatives to support broader Governance pillar and Country Programme goals.
* Assessment and analysis of project proposals for relevance and coherence and to ensure quality design.


Corporate Competencies:

* Ethics and Values
* Organizational Awareness
* Developing and Empowering People / Coaching and Mentoring
* Working in Teams
* Communicating Information and Ideas
* Self-management and Emotional intelligence
* Conflict Management / Negotiating and Resolving Disagreements
* Knowledge Sharing / Continuous Learning
Functional Competencies:

People Skills:

* Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
* Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent, and credible behavior;
* Respect individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
* Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process;
Partnering and Networking:

* Initiates and sustains relationships with key constituents (internal /external /bilateral/ public/ private/ Government);
* Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;

* Proactive, problem-solving and result-oriented attitude;
* Plans and produces quality results to meet established goals;
* Generates innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;

* Formulates written information clearly and persuasively
* Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
Job Knowledge and Expertise:

* Strong analytical skills, with the ability to deal with project implementation;
* Sound and proven management skills and ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with Iraqi counterparts;
* Practical knowledge and experience in operational approaches;
* Ability to build strong relationships with counterparts, focus on impact and result for the counterparts and respond positively to feedback;
* Consistent approach to work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
* Openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
* Ability to lead effectively, mentoring and conflict resolution skills
* Superior English-Arabic writing skills including ability to perform consecutive and simultaneous translation;
* Strong oral and written communication skills in Arabic
* Ability to remain calm and in control while under pressure in an unsecure, hardship environment;
* Ability to work on his/her own and take initiatives when and if needed.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.


Project Manager

Duty Station:Kuwait - Kuwait
Deadline:11 Aug 2011 (12 days left)
The Project Coordinator will be in charge of the following tasks:

* Develop a detailed workplan and ensure its efficient day-to-day management and timely implementation in line with UNDP Kuwait Country Office guidance documents for project management;
* Direct and supervise the production of legal information, with particular attention to its validity and relation with the country judicial system;
* Organize and supervise the technical components of the project, including the production of the digital media and internet website;
* Advise on possible partners for the dissemination of the deliverables;
* Liaise with selected partners, ensuring the technical validity of the training;
* Supervise other staff employed by the project;
* Ensure timely submission of project deliverables by local partner;
* Management of the budget allocation for local partner and ensure that expenditure is for activities as agreed in the AWP;
* Prepare TOR for consultants and experts;
* Be responsible for the all the reporting requirements to UNDP Kuwait Country Office as they relate to the work plan;
* Prepare Quarterly and yearly Progress Reports;
* Prepare Quarterly and yearly Financial Reports;
* Coordinate the dissemination of project products (CDs, radio messages, booklets);
* Liaise and provide support for all key stakeholders and actors benefitting from the support provided through these activities;
* Follow-up and provide oversight to the work of consultants contracted to undertake any activity within the scope of the annual work plan activities;
* Coordinate and liaise with other related on-going UNDP Kuwait Country Office activities to optimize the benefit from the outcomes of the activities and ensure a wider outreach through existing networks;
* Liaise and provide support to CAWTAR as to the regional dimension of the regional project “Empowering Women in the Arab Region through Access to Legal Information” in preparing and implementing regional events;
* Participate in regional events;
* Participate in the preparation and facilitation of related training activities, and conducting the training if necessary.
Expected Outputs:
Reports and evaluations in accordance with project document.


* Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
* Ability to lead fomulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, mobilize resources;
* Strong analytical, writing and computer skills;
* Excellent written and verbal English and Arabic language skills;
* Ability to lead teams effectively and show conflict resolution skills;
* Ability to adopt consistently approaches;
* Work with energy and a positive constructive attitude;
* Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills;
* Build strong relationships with all actors involved;
* Ability to work under pressure.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.

ZUNDAF 2007 – 2011 Final Evaluation

ZUNDAF 2007 – 2011 Final Evaluation

Duty Station:Harare - Zimbabwe
Deadline:10 Aug 2011 (11 days left)
Level:National Consultant
Duration:(6) Six Months Expected Duration of Assignment :TBD

The final evaluation of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF will serve the following purpose:

* To determine the extent to which ZUNDAF outcomes were achieved and to analyze the extent to which outcomes achieved made a worthwhile contribution to national development priorities and the achievement of MDGs;
* To determine how ZUNDAF helped UN agencies to contribute more effectively and efficiently to national development efforts and capacity building;
* To determine if and how the UN agencies worked together in implementing ZUNDAF;
* To determine whether resources were utilized as per plan and in accordance with agreed modalities;
* To establish lessons learned by the UN agencies through their cooperation during ZUNDAF implementation;
* To learn from experiences of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF, and identify issues and opportunities emerging from its implementation to inform successful implementation of the 2012-2015 ZUNDAF, including the design of programmes and projects through the JIM and agency action plans.
Objectives, Key Questions and Scope

Objectives and Key Questions:

Objectives of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF final evaluation are indicated below. For all objectives, the final evaluation is expected to produce lessons learnt which will serve to enhance the UNCT’s ability to more positively impact the lives of Zimbabweans. As such, results of the evaluation should serve to inform ZUNDAF implementation as well as current and future planning and design.

Assess the role and relevance of the 2007-2011 ZUNDAF in relation to the issues being addressed and their underlying causes, and challenges, and as a reflection of the internationally agreed goals, particularly those in the Millennium Declaration and international norms and standards guiding the work of agencies of the UN system and adopted by UN member states:

* Did the ZUNDAF outcomes address key issues, their underlying causes, and challenges identified in the 2004 Zimbabwe MDGs Report?
* Were the outcomes and indicators clearly articulated in the ZUNDAF?
* Were new issues and their causes as well as opportunities and challenges that arose during the ZUNDAF cycle adequately addressed?
* How has the UNCT supported the transition / recovery agenda through the ZUNDAF?
* Has the ZUNDAF results matrix been sufficiently flexible to adjust to evolving national policies and strategies e.g. National Development Plans and Goals, and legislative reform particularly within the post crisis recovery period?
* Were the UN agencies flexible and responsive to a changing environment in Zimbabwe? How did the agencies and ZUNDAF respond to this changing environment?
* Have the ZUNDAF outcomes been relevant in terms of internationally agreed goals and commitments, norms and standards guiding the work of agencies of the UN system (including the Millennium Declaration, MDGs and UN human rights treaties such as CRC and CEDAW)?
Assess the effectiveness of ZUNDAF in terms of progress towards agreed ZUNDAF outcomes. To the extent possible, assess the impact of ZUNDAF on the lives of vulnerable groups, i.e. determine whether there is any major change in ZUNDAF indicators that can reasonably be attributed to or be associated with ZUNDAF:

* What progress has been made towards the realization of ZUNDAF outcomes as a contribution to the achievement of MDGs and in terms of indicators as reflected in the ZUNDAF M&E Plan?
* To what extent and in what ways was special emphasis placed on strengthening of national capacities, building partnerships, promoting innovation, the realization of human rights and promoting gender equity and equality?
* Which are the main factors that contributed to the realization or non-realization of the outcomes?
* How were risks and assumptions addressed during the implementation of programmes and projects?
* To what extent and in what ways did UN support promote national execution of programmes and / or the use of national expertise and technologies?
Analyze the extent to which results achieved and strategies used by the supported country programmes and projects are sustainable as a contribution to national development and in terms of the added value of ZUNDAF for cooperation among individual UN agencies:

* To what extent and in what ways have national capacities been enhanced in government, civil society and NGOs?
* What mechanisms have been put in place to support the country access aid funds, and reinforce their sector-based coordination and management?
* Have complementarities, collaboration and/or synergies fostered by ZUNDAF contributed to greater sustainability of results of Country Programmes and projects of individual UN agencies?
Assess the effectiveness of ZUNDAF as a coordination and partnership framework. To the extent possible, assess the efficiency of the ZUNDAF as a mechanism to minimize transaction costs of UN support for the government and for the UN agencies:

* To what extent and in what ways has ZUNDAF contributed to achieving better synergies among the programmes of UN agencies?
* Has the ZUNDAF enhanced joint programming by agencies and/or resulted in specific joint programmes?
* Were the strategies employed by agencies complementary and synergistic?
* Have agency supported programmes been mutually reinforcing in helping to achieve ZUNDAF outcomes?
* Has the effectiveness of programme support by individual agencies been enhanced as a result of joint programming?
* Did ZUNDAF promote effective partnerships and strategic alliances around the main ZUNDAF outcome areas (e.g. national partners, International Financial Institutions and other external support agencies)?
Assess the extent to which ZUNDAF TGs and other coordination mechanisms have been an efficient and effective means of ZUNDAF implementation and have influenced individual agency planning. Determine the extent to which the ZUNDAF coordination mechanisms have contributed to advance gender equality and social inclusion, and Human Rights Based Approaches in UN agencies’ programming.

* To what extent and in what ways has ZUNDAF contributed to a reduction of transaction cost for the government and for each of the UN agencies?
* In what ways could transaction costs be further reduced?
* Were results achieved in a cost efficient manner and at reasonably low or lowest possible cost?
* To what extend did ZUNDAF contribute towards gender equality and social inclusion?
Assess the validity and relevance of the stated collective comparative advantage of the UN System:

* To what extent and in what ways have the comparative advantages of the UN organizations been utilized in the national context (including universality, neutrality, voluntary and grant-nature of contributions, multilateralism, and the special mandates of UN agencies) both during the humanitarian crisis as well as the recovery period?
* To what extent did the UN agencies work together and what synergies were created by this approach?
Assess the linkage between the ZUNDAF and the humanitarian Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) as some of the ZUNDAF outcomes are also achieved through relief efforts which at the same time build a foundation for recovery and development.

Evaluation Scope:

The evaluation will cover all the six outcomes of the ZUNDAF:

* Reduction of the spread of infection, improvement in the quality of life of those infected, and mitigation of the impact of HIV and AIDS;
* Enhanced national capacity and ownership of national processes towards the attainment of the MDGs by 2015;
* Strengthened mechanisms for promoting the rule of law, dialogue, participation in the decision making process, and protection of human rights;
* Reduction in the negative social, economic, political, cultural and religious practices that sustain gender disparity;
* Improved access to good quality and equitable basic social services;
* Improved food security and sustainable management of natural resources and the environment.
The UNDAF outcome indicators will be used to measure the attainment of these outcomes.


Core Values and Ethics:

* Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and be able to work in a multi-cultural environment;
* Comply with UN rules and regulations and code of conduct;
* Demonstrates a high degree of integrity.

* Interacts at all levels of staff/organization;
* Excellent interpersonal skills;
* Building and sharing knowledge;
* Provides guidance and support to others.

* Excellent oral and written skills;
* Listens actively and responds effectively.
Task Management:

* Plans, prioritizes and delivers a variety of tasks on time;
* Exercises sound judgment/analysis;
* Develops creative solutions and risk management solutions.

* Able to plan and manage the overall work of the evaluation exercise;
* Able to lead a small team of professional consultants.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.

UNDP wantsTechnical Consultant, Administrative Services Division

Technical Consultant, Administrative Services Division

Duty Station:New York - USA
Deadline:07 Aug 2011 (8 days left)
Level:International Consultant
Duration:Two months
UNDP is seeking the development of software/tools that can analyse the Chart of Accounts recorded in the Asset Module and identify any omissions or errors from within the Chart of Accounts, and identify options to correct the Chart of Accounts by comparing seeking to identify the appropriate Projects and within projects Chart of Account combinations for individual assets. The software/tool will be used to seek to identify and or incorrect Chart of Accounts contained within the Asset Module, and identify the appropriate Chart of Accounts to be used for their correction, UNDP uses People Soft for its ERP system, known internally as ‘Atlas’. The developed software/tools will:
* Have user maintenance – to manage which user could access which General Ledger (GL) Unit and Business Unit (BU) data, etc.
* User will need to have access to the ERP (ATLAS) system
* Extract the Asset in-service report from ATLAS or Microsoft Excel file
* Using the project number from within the Chart of Accounts as the key field, extract Project and associated Award data and status -ongoing, running, budget availability (at least one 7 hundred GL account with at least 1 dollar approved budget) current year as well as future and past years as per the user request
* Compare Assets Chart of Account (COA) with project COA default in current year or in the year the user requests
* Highlight omissions or errors in assets fields (mostly COA) including project
* Offer options i.e. COA combinations of respective project/s per BU
* Allow correction of Asset COA (overwrite by the COA of the chosen option) within database (outside of ATLAS)
* Save data and extract it in Microsoft Excel.  

* Demonstrates professional competence and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results Self Management:
* Remains calm and in control, and good humored even under pressure
* Demonstrates respect and a clear interest in people by what he/she says and does Drive to Achieve Results
* Focuses on achieving results for external and internal clients Communication
* Speaks and writes clearly and effectively
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.

Victim Assistance Specialist needed at UNOPS

Victim Assistance Specialist

Vacancy #:VA/2011/NAO/MAC/DRC/VAS/29-07
Duty Station:Kinshasa - Congo
Deadline:12 Aug 2011 (13 days left)
Duration:6 months with possibility of extension, subject to performance and funding
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) established a Mine Action Programme in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2002 and requested the United Nations Office for Project Services
(UNOPS) to assist with implementation of Mine Action program in DRC. The UNMACC in DRC is mandated
to assist the national authorities with implementation of a victim assistance programme in DRC.

The Programme is among the most complex in the field of mine action globally. Cumulative resources to
date are approximately $11 million, with funds coming from a multitude of sources such as the UN
assessed budget and the Voluntary Trust Fund.

Duties and Responsibilities
1.National Strategies:
Lead task force and committees for the implementation of the VA /disability program in
DRC, technically support planning and organization of national events.
Draft, review and update national strategies, transition and work plans in close consultation
with national authorities in DRC.
Ensure effective dissemination of the final strategies and work plans to stakeholders.
Decentralize the VA / disability program at provinces levels based on the national work

2. Understanding the magnitude of the problem:

Analyze in conjunction with the existing VA/disability partners, assessment of the existing
victim support capacity, including examination of existing documents and extensive field
survey in cooperation with UNMACC regional and sub-offices on a regular basis.
Verify & update the victim data collection mechanism, in close cooperation with relevant

3. Identification and capacity building of partners
Identify national & international NGOs, community based organizations (CBOs) and
disabled people organizations (DPOs) for further implementation of victim assistance
Provide technical support to the identified partners in different VA/disability aspects
including landmine survivors groups.

4. Coordination, collaboration and capacity building of national authorities and VA teams
Coordinate Victim Assistance requirements within the country as they pertain to Mine Action.
Strengthen the existing VA/disability coordination forum .
Liaise with other pertinent partners/organisations to ensure adequate coverage of the
Coordinate and focus humanitarian aid effort to ensure a complete coverage of the requirements for
victim assistance/disability as part of the mine action & disability plans.
Strengthen the existing advocacy campaign for the ratifaction of International Convention for the
Right of People with Disabilities.
Technically support & supervise the work of the national victim assistance officers in the area of
capacity development.
Work in conjunction with the IMSMA officer to ensure adequate and accurate reporting of
Mine/UXO victims.
Work closely with the UNICEF, UNDP and UNMACC Victim Assistance and MRE national officers in
the regions and provinces.
Generate regular progress reports, final reports, ad-hoc reports and recommendations on the VA
projects and other VA-related issues.
Attend Inter-Agency meetings as UNMACC representative.
Attend international events to report on the VA program in DRC.
Ensure promotion of gender mainstreaming through: participation of women in the development of
national mine action plans and institutions; participation of women in victim assistance.
Be prepared to understudy the MRE officer as required (and vice versa).
Other duties as directed by the DPM.

Required Selection Criteria


Leadership Proven supervisory ability and/or technical leadership. Ability to maintain effective
working relations both as a team member and team leader.
Teamwork Strong interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and
working relations with people in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for
Planning & Organization Ability to manage, organize, plan and implement work assignments, juggle
competing demands and work under pressure of frequent and tight deadlines.
Judgment Demonstrated ability to apply good judgment and decision making skills.
Communications Strong spoken and written communication skills.
Problem Solving Strong analytical and problem solving skills and ability to handle a range of
management and coordination issues.
Commitment to Continuous Learning Willingness to keep abreast of new developments.
Professionalism Professionalism: sound knowledge of, and exposure to, administrative and financial
management issues.


Advanced university degree (Masters Degree or equivalent) in public health, medicine, social science or related
field; or first level university degree with additional relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of the
advanced university degree.
Minimum of 11 years relevant experience with a minimum of 2 years of progressively responsible
professional experience in physical, mental, social and economical rehabilitation and re-integration of landmine/UX0
Prior work experience in the UN is highly desirable
Experience in project management is highly desirable
Knowledge of Mine Action;
Ability to effectively work in a multicultural environment is required
Be physically fit, and in good health;
Knowledge of the UN system and familiarity with UNOPS procedures is highly desirable;
Fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of French is highly desired. Knowledge of a
second official UN language is an advantage.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.


Mine Action Advisor

Duty Station:Phnom Penh - Cambodia
Deadline:15 Aug 2011 (16 days left)
Cambodia remains one of the countries in the world most affected by landmines and UXOs. The 2010-2019 National Mine Action Strategy (NMAS) aims to significantly address Cambodia’s remaining mine and ERW problem. As part of its request for a ten year extension of its Article 5 deadline under the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty (APMBT), the RGC has estimated that some 646 square kilometers of land remain suspected or contaminated by landmines.

The RGC has requested continued donor assistance for this purpose, including support for the implementation of UNDP’s Clearing for Results Phase II project (2011-2015). The project falls under UNDP’s 2011-2015 Country Programme Action Plan whereby Clearing for Results is expected to contribute to the strengthening of national structures and mechanisms to develop a more diversified, sustainable and equitable economy by ensuring that demining resources are effectively allocated promoting the release of land for productive use.

Clearing for Results Phase II (2011-2015) is a multi-donor project implemented by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance (CMAA) with technical and financial support from UNDP and other donors. It builds on the successful implementation of the first phase of the project (Clearing for Results, 2006-2010) during which considerable gains were achieved in building CMAA’s capacities in the areas of quality assurance, strategic and policy formulation as well as the socio-economic management of mine clearance. The CMAA however recognized that given the task ahead, more support is required to ensure that land is being cleared from the landmine threat in an effective and cost-efficient manner. To that extent, the CMAA is formulating a capacity development plan to equip the organization and its staff with the skills, tools and processes to deliver on CMAA’s mandate and to achieve the goals of the NMAS. In November 2011, the CMAA is expecting to host and preside over the 11th Meeting of States Parties of the APMBT, an event that is expected to draw major attention to the scope of the remaining challenge in Cambodia.

The project is articulated around three key deliverables as follow:

Empower the CMAA to formulate policies and strategies that ensure resources are effectively allocated onto national priorities and maximize the land available for local development;
Equip the CMAA with the technical and functional capacities required to manage the sector within an evolving environment;
Support mine clearance activities that promote cost-effectiveness, accountability and transparency. Demining contracts are to be allocated by the CMAA by using competitive procurement mechanisms.

A CMAA Project Team will manage the project with advisory and capacity development support from a UNDP Advisory Team.

UNDP Cambodia is seeking an International Adviser to lead the UNDP Advisory Team at CMAA and to provide advice, assistance and capacity development support to the CMAA in implementing the project.

The Adviser will lead the UNDP advisory team and be responsible for the overall UNDP support to the CMAA in the implementation of the project. The Adviser will work under direct supervision of the Deputy Country Director Programme and the day to day facilitation and coordination of the UNDP Assistant Country Director for the Poverty Reduction Cluster S/he will work in close partnership with the CMAA Secretary General and staff, and report on UNDP’s assistance to the project board on a quarterly basis.

How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply

Coordonnateur - Projet Plan De PrÉvention De SÉisme Pour Le Grand Nord D'haiti

Coordonnateur - Projet Plan De PrÉvention De SÉisme Pour Le Grand Nord D'haiti

Duty Station:Cap-haitien - Haiti
Deadline:12 Aug 2011 (13 days left)
Duration:1 an
Le séisme du 12 janvier 2010 est venu rappeler de façon dramatique et brutale la vulnérabilité du bâti et des infrastructures en Haïti face aux séismes, ainsi que le faible niveau de capacité dans le pays pour concevoir, construire et informer de manière appropriée face à cette menace. Le nord d’Haïti est une zone sismique active où la vulnérabilité est particulièrement exacerbée, en particulier dans ses grands centres urbains. Sur base d’une requête spécifique du ministre de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités Territoriales et de la Direction de la Protection Civile, le PNUD a été appelé à mettre en place un « plan séisme » pour le nord du pays avant que cette région ne soit à nouveau frappée par un séisme important, que l'on sait inévitable.

L’objectif général de ce projet est d’initier la réduction de la vulnérabilité des départements du Nord-Est, Nord, et Nord-Ouest à la menace sismique en y renforçant la résilience des infrastructures et des populations dans le but de minimiser les pertes économiques et en vies humaines lors d’événements futurs.

Les objectifs spécifiques de ce programme sont de (1) quantifier la menace sismique par le microzonage des 4 grandes villes du Nord, Nord-Est et Nord-Ouest (Port-de-Paix, Cap Haïtien, Fort Liberté/Ouanaminthe) ; (2) évaluer la vulnérabilité du bâti et des infrastructures et les classer en fonction de l’enjeu associé ; (3) identifier les infrastructures prioritaires à fort enjeu ; (4) proposer des solutions budgétisées pour le renforcement structural des infrastructures critiques à fort enjeu ; (5) renforcer quelques bâtiments prioritaires à fort enjeu à titre de démonstrateur et chercher les fonds pour systématiser cet effort ; (6) former les professionnels de la construction aux pratiques parasismiques, des maçons aux ingénieurs, du secteur public et privé ; (7) inclure le risque sismique dans le plan de contingence aux désastres des 3 départements du nord ; (8) informer les citoyens, les constructeurs et les pouvoirs publics sur le risque sismique et les solutions pour s’y préparer et s’y adapter ; (9) inclure la connaissance des séismes et des mesures de réduction de vulnérabilité dans les curriculums scolaires et la formation des enseignants.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.

Programme Specialist (Dakar)

Programme Specialist (Dakar)

Duty Station:Dakar - Senegal
Deadline:15 Aug 2011 (16 days left)
Duration:one year
* Provides policy advice/technical support to country office programmes on disaster risk reduction and recovery
* Performs programme and resource management functions
* Contributes to national and regional strategies
* Performs knowledge management functions
* Promotes partnerships and inter-agency coordination
Provides policy advice/technical support to country office programmes on disaster risk reduction and recovery, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Advice to country offices in the region of natural disaster reduction programmatic services and provision of support for their participation in and contribution to the implementation of BCPR's overall programme strategy and UNDP's strategic plan
* Solid technical inputs for the design, development, and implementation of UNDP disaster reduction and early recovery initiatives at the national and sub-regional levels in the countries, including the formulation of national and regional capacity-building programmes
* Engagement with the coordinators of BCPR's thematic programmes related to risk identification, mainstreaming, capacity development, climate risk management, urban risk management, recovery and gender to make sure that regional and national-level programming is technically sound and gender-sensitive
* Substantive technical support for project development and joint programme at the country level where requested
* Identification of disaster risk hot spots in the region to promote risk reduction programming in the region
* Provision of substantive inputs to the DRR project documents developed by the COs ensuring that CPR criteria and 8-point agenda is included on it
Performs programme and resource management functions, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Appraisal of country office requests for TRAC 3 Category II support in case of natural disasters and provision of technical advisory support for the assessment, strategic planning and programming of post-disaster recovery interventions in the countries
* Contribution to the preparation of appeals in post-disaster situations, in coordination with OCHA's regional advisors, ensuring that UNDP transition recovery needs are adequately reflected
* Appropriate technical support to ongoing UNDP country office disaster reduction and recovery projects, including monitoring the achievement of outputs, outcomes and goals and ensuring that substantive and financial reporting is provided, in accordance with the MOU signed between UNDP and donors for those activities receiving support from BCPR- managed funds
* Monitoring and advice on BCPR's programme resources, including TRAC 1.1.3 and Crisis Prevention and Recovery (CPR) Trust Funds, which includes helping country offices prepare allocation requests, providing feedback to the allocation committee as to the country office's needs and capacities to launch new programmes and absorb new and/or old allocations, and tracking resource use over the project cycle
* Collaboration in and tracking of post-disaster recovery processes in countries included in the portfolio
* Substantive inputs for the production and dissemination of both regular and occasional reports on UNDP activities in disaster reduction and transition recovery in the region
* Substantive inputs from the region for the development of a roster of outsourced personnel for disaster reduction and transition recovery purposes; supervision of the work of consultants on disaster reduction and recovery issues and authorization of payments
Contributes to national and regional strategies, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Policy level input for the development of national and regional disaster reduction strategies and institutional and legislative systems for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into national development planning and programming
* Collaboration in the development of synergies between UNDP disaster risk reduction strategies and relevant regional and national strategies related to poverty alleviation, governance, energy and environment
* Substantive contribution to regional and sub-regional consultations on appropriate disaster risk reduction policy initiatives and presentation of evidence-based inputs for regional policy development, including lessons learned and evaluations of UNDP's experience in disaster risk reduction in the region
* Preparation of regional inputs for the formulation of UNDP corporate policy, guidelines and practice notes on disaster risk reduction and recovery
* Substantive technical input and contribution to the development of regional strategies
Performs knowledge management functions, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Technical advice and support for the development and effective deployment of BCPR's knowledge management and policy products
* Relevant substantive inputs to knowledge networking, including responding to country office requests for information on best practice and offering referrals to experts and expert institutions

Promotes partnerships and inter-agency coordination, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Identification of critical components for the development of strategic partnerships and alliances for achievement of UNDP's overall strategic and policies in the region, with other UN organizations (in particular OCHA, the ISDR Secretariat and other disaster-related programmes), multilateral organizations, regional member state organizations, civil society and the academia, and with donors and programme countries
* Contribution to the establishment of such partnerships, drafting of agreements and monitoring of implementation
* Conduct of regular meetings and coordination with the technical units on programme management to identify and address the key issues in a timely and systematic manner
Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the whole performance of the CPR Team and success in implementation of regional strategies and projects at the national and regional levels.


Functional Competencies:

Identifying and building partnerships

* Displays initiative, sets challenging outputs for him/herself and willingly accepts new work
* Takes responsibility for achieving agreed outputs within set deadlines and strives until successful outputs are achieved
Building and maintaining donor relations; implementing resource mobilization strategy

* Uses knowledge of donors and successful programmes and projects to contribute to fund raising and resource mobilization strategies
Developing tools and mechanisms

* Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches
* Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms
In-depth knowledge of the Subject-matter

* Understands more advanced aspects of crisis prevention and recovery as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines
* Keeps abreast of new developments in area of crisis prevention and recovery and seeks to develop him/herself professionally
* Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments
Contributing to positive outcomes for the client

* Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider
* Keeps the client informed of problems or delays in the provision of services
Core Competencies:

* Ethics & Values: Demonstrating / Safeguarding Ethics and Integrity
Demonstrates and promotes the highest standard of integrity, impartiality, fairness and incorruptibility in all matters affecting his/her work and status

* Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
Understands the structure and hierarchy of UN/UNDP, process flows throughout the organization, products and services, their measures of effectiveness, and perceptions of clients

* Developing & Empowering People/Coaching and Mentoring: Self-development, initiative-taking
Takes appropriate risk in developing new or adapting existing methods and approaches to more effectively perform tasks or to solve problems in new and unique ways

* Working in Teams: Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
Works collaboratively with colleagues inside UN/UNDP as well as its partners and other stakeholders to pursue common goals

* Communicating Information and Ideas: Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
Delivers verbal/written information in a timely, clear, organized and easily understood manner

* Self Management & Emotional Intelligence: Creating synergies through self-control
Tolerates conditions of stress, uncertainty or ambiguity and continues to maintain a positive outlook and to work productively

* Conflict Management/Negotiating & Resolving Disagreements: Managing conflict
Remains calm, composed and patient, regardless of his/her own state of mind in the face of conflict

* Knowledge Sharing & Continuous Learning: Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others
Demonstrates commitment to ongoing professional development and keeps abreast of new developments in his/her professional field

* Appropriate and Transparent Decision-making: Informed and transparent decision making
Accepts responsibility and accountability for the quality of the outcome of his/her decisions
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply.


Unit Chief

Vacancy #:VA-2011/020
Duty Station:Vienna - Austria
Deadline:18 Aug 2011 (19 days left)
The Division is primarily responsible for providing capacity-development support and technical
cooperation services to enhance the capabilities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. In doing so, the Division develops, implements and monitors sectoral, cross-sectoral and thematic programmes and projects, and provides technical advisory and institutional and human capacity-building services.

The Division comprises the Office of the Managing Director and the Agri-Business Development
Branch; the Business, Investment and Technology Services Branch; the Trade Capacity-building
Branch; the Energy and Climate Change Branch; the Environmental Management Branch; and the
Montreal Protocol Branch. In addition, the Division hosts the Bureau for Programme Design and
Knowledge Management as well as the Special Programmes and LDC Group.

This position is located in the Trade Capacity-building Branch (PTC/TCB). The branch is responsible for assisting developing countries and countries with economies in transition to develop their capacity to trade and integrate into global value chains through effective participation in the rules-based global trading system. These countries often face constraints arising from the lack of competitive productive supply capacity of tradable goods, which meet quality, health, safety, environmental, sustainability and consumer protection requirements of targeted markets. They also frequently lack the capacity to implement the multilateral trading system provisions for imported and exported products, in particular the WTO agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS). The absence of a capacity to establish compliance with market requirements and the lack of internationally accepted local proof of such compliance restricts the ability of developing countries to exploit trade opportunities and access markets. The branch therefore seeks to meet two related development objectives: first, to strengthen the capacity of countries, productive sectors and suppliers to produce goods that meet requirements set by foreign buyers and markets; and second to build up the national and regional quality infrastructure needed to provide internationally recognized quality assurance services, including for the development of standards and technical regulations, the establishment of product testing facilities and calibration laboratories, the creation of quality management systems and product traceability, management system certification, inspection and accreditation mechanisms, and the development of systems for ensuring food safety and consumer protection. In carrying out its work, the branch cooperates closely with other UNIDO units responsible for strengthening the productive sectors of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

The Quality, Standards and Conformity Unit (PTC/TCB/QSC) is responsible for assisting developing countries and countries with economies in transition to achieve increased competitiveness in global markets through capacity building in quality, environmental, sustainability and social accountability requirements, in accordance with international system standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 26000, ISO 50001 and SA 8000. In particular, the unit supports developing countries to produce linkages to local, regional and global supplier networks by developing capacity in the area of product quality and food safety. The unit assists developing countries and economies in transition in meeting retailer and interest group-driven quality requirements such as GLOBALGAP, Traceability, Fair Trade and sustainability standards such as carbon labeling, energy efficiency, etc. The unit also undertakes global forum functions addressing retailer and consumer driven market needs and emerging certification requirements.

The incumbent will work under the direct supervision of the Director, PTC/TCB, and the overall guidance of the Managing Director, PTC.

After a certain number of years located at headquarters, the incumbent must be ready to travel and to serve in any duty station away from Vienna as determined by the needs of the Organization.

Main Functions

Programme Development:

Serve as the Organization's senior expert in the areas of specialization of the unit. In this capacity, conceptualize, jointly with Unit staff, for review and approval by the Director, UNIDO's strategy (rationale, objectives, methodologies, tools) in the Unit's areas of technical or functional specialization(s), with a particular view to profiling the Organization's work in these areas vis--vis other Agencies of the UN system.

Develop and formulate technical cooperation projects/programmes for the unit in standards and conformity assessment in line with the guidelines and procedures governing the delivery of UNIDO services, and obtain internal approval. Clear project documents emanating from staff in his/her unit for review and approval by the Branch Director in the course of submitting them to the Organization's project approval organs.

As a Programme Manager, develop a portfolio of technical cooperation projects and facilitate the adoption of best practices. In project formulation, closely co-operate with other relevant UNIDO organizational units to ensure the effective use of existing networks and capacities, as well as with other development partners and technical agencies.

Monitor global and/or regional trends and best practices in the areas of specialization of the Unit. Propose to the Director new initiatives or changes to ensure that the Organization's practices are current and reflect state-of-the-art approaches and up-to-date technical and management practices. Based on lessons learned, recommend to the Director adjustments to UNIDO's future programme priorities and long-term orientation.

Contribute jointly with UNIDO's regional programmes and field offices to the identification of new technical cooperation opportunities and the mobilization of financial resources.

Programme Implementation:

Propose, for the Director's review and approval, the annual work programme for the Unit, and ensure its implementation, jointly with Unit staff. This includes providing leadership in teamwork and close monitoring of each stage of programme/project development and implementation.

As a Programme Manager, assume responsibility for the implementation of a portfolio of technical cooperation programmes and projects; ensuring that assigned inputs are delivered on time at the right level of quality and within the allocated budget. This will entail the preparation of the necessary inputs (consultant job descriptions, terms of reference, training arrangements, equipment specifications, etc.), monitoring progress in implementation, including missions to the project site, as well as taking part in oversight meetings in the Field and at Headquarters, and assisting the Evaluation Group in its evaluations of projects/programmes.

Funds Mobilization:

Identify the funding needs for the Unit's current and future programmes and develop a strategy for funds mobilization.

Collaborate with relevant internal and external partners to mobilize resources for the Unit's programmes; maintain good working relations with strategic donors.

As the Programme Manager, identify funding sources for the future portfolio of his/her projects and actively mobilize the funding required.

Global Forum Function:

In consultation with the Branch Director, identify and oversees the preparation for UNIDO's global forum activities (conferences, seminars, expert group meetings, technical research, global goods, etc.) and running of awareness-building, knowledge dissemination, and information exchange. Initiate action-oriented research. Guide and prepare UNIDO publications and other information dissemination aids and tools. Keep abreast of technical and economic developments in his/her field of specialization through close contacts with specialized institutions and industry representatives, following the technical press, market developments and trends.

Represent the Organization vis--vis internal and external counterparts in areas relating to the Unit's areas of specialization: specifically, make presentations, provide advisory services, conduct training and awareness campaigns. Identify inter-agency cooperation and partnership potentials and propose cooperation strategies.

Participate and contribute to global initiatives such as Aid for Trade, and promote UNIDO core-competence in the area by undertaking research, guides, expert group meetings and suitable visibility documents.

Advisory Services to Counterparts:

This includes, among others: commenting on, appraising or revising draft project proposals submitted by requesting Governments; advising Governments, multilateral and bilateral organizations and other strategic partners; and provision of technical advice to strategic partners/donors.

Bring to the attention of the Director any cross-cutting and/or policy matters emanating from the work of the Unit. Ensure effective utilization of intra- and inter-branch complementarity to enhance the focus and impact of the unit's programme.

Supervisory Function:

Supervise the staff of the Unit on daily operational matters and propose to the Director the optimal allocation of staff assignments within the Unit.

Inform and consult the Director on matters relating to performance management and performance appraisals, career development, motivation of staff and staffing requirements.

Perform other related duties and assignments as required by the Branch Director, PTC/TCB or the Managing Director PTC.

Required Competencies

Core values:
1. Integrity
2. Professionalism
3. Respect for diversity

Core competencies:
1. Results orientation and accountability
2. Planning and organizing
3. Communication and trust
4. Team orientation
5. Client orientation
6. Organizational development and innovation

Managerial competencies:
1. Strategy and direction
2. Managing people and performance
3. Judgement and decision making
4. Conflict resolution

Technical competencies:
In-depth knowledge of the economic aspects of Trade Capacity-building; expertise in the analysis of the TCB domain, policy recommendations and project/programme formulation and implementation skills; knowledge of project and programme cycle; ability to build consensus and collaborations among strategic financial and programmatic partners on integrated or joint programmes. Adequate knowledge of the multilateral trading system and related barriers to trade and capacity-building needs related to quality, competitiveness and compliance. Demonstrated capacity in undertaking analytical research on technical barriers to trade and fund mobilization expertise. Technical cooperation knowledge covering capacity building in standardization, certification, conformity assessment and accreditation.

Minimum Requirements

Advanced university degree in economics, business administration or other relevant discipline. Recognized auditor/assessor qualification in ISO 9001 Quality Management System required. Other management system qualifications such as ISO 14000, ISO 22000 beneficial.

A minimum of ten years practical experience in trade capacity-building, standards and conformity assessment and in the implementation of technical assistance projects/programmes, including experience at the international level involving technical cooperation in developing countries. Experience of and exposure to the needs, conditions and problems of developing countries is highly desirable.

Fluency in English and French. Working knowledge of another UN official language an asset.
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply


Water and Sanitation Delegate (Field)

Vacancy #:2011-193-fld
Duty Station:Port-au-prince - Haiti
Deadline:12 Aug 2011 (13 days left)
Duration:(6) Six Months
The Delegate must ensure safe water, sanitation, health education and community participation is encouraged and delivered using an integrated public health approach while supporting every opportunity for WatSan capacity building within the Host National Society (HNS).

Description of Duties:

1. Work closely with the HNS at all levels where practical furthering the public Health & WatSan agenda wherever possible, while assisting NS staff and volunteers to effectively implement WatSan Projects and Programmes.

2. Work closely with the NS during the assessment and project planning process while in close co-operation with Health, Organizational Development the NS and Federation Delegation.

3. Responsible of the water technical aspect of the "economic of water" project implementation

4. Responsible for the community capacity building in participating in water and sanitation related project

5. Responsible for the development of community water and sanitation committee / CBO

6. Responsible for developing and implementing water and sanitation community activities

7. Responsible for community empowerment for development of CBO water vendor point

8. Responsible for the implementation of water and sanitation project

9. Responsible for the supply chain for the implementation of assigned project

10. Responsible for project implementation field monitoring and follow-up assigned by his/her line manager

11. Responsible for the supply chain for the implementation of assigned project

12. Responsible for the management and ensuring recruitment of suitable and sufficient labour

13. Responsible for management of field equipment, resources and assigned assets

14. Responsible for ensuring that programmes integrate software (hygiene promotion activities and community participation) with hardware activities

15. Plan and carry out together with the National Society staff and volunteers the following tasks to improve health and reduce vulnerability of the beneficiaries by:

* ensuring adequate safe water is available to all members of the community or target group
* ensuring water quality is tested regularly where appropriate
* ensure SPHERE standards are attained and maintained where appropriate
* ensure international and/or national WatSan standards are maintained
* ensure adequate sanitation facilities are available to all members of the community or target group to include excreta disposal and where appropriate bathing/laundry facilities
* ensure other sanitation needs are addressed where appropriate (vector control, waste water management, solid waste management, hazardous waste management)

16. Ensure knowledge capacity building for labours and NS staff, in WatSan hard-ware/software and in implementation project planning, and practical skills.

17. Liaise with and encourage the NS to engage effectively with ICRC, Government bodies at all levels, UN and international humanitarian organisations, NGOs, CBOs, community groups, beneficiaries and the private WatSan sector where appropriate

18. Produce regular, timely and accurate narrative and data reports for the Federation

19. Ensure that the Health & Care agenda is holistic, and encompasses fully WatSan as part of public and preventative health

20. Work as a team member and share views and plans with other watsan team member and Health Delegates and others departments as required.

21. Respect and follow the key Federation technical documents (WatSan policy, Strategy 2010, Health & Care policies, GWSI, MDGs, SPHERE, PHAST etc.,) and contribute where appropriate to the Global Federation WatSan/Health agenda.

22. Participate and be involved in relief operations if requested.

Duties applicable to all staff:

* Actively work towards the achievement of the Secretariat's goals.
* Abide by and work in accordance with the Red Cross Red Crescent principles.
* Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager.

Required Qualifications


Basic Delegates Training course or equivalent knowledge

Degree or Diploma in Water/ Sanitation or Civil engineering

Degree or Diploma in Community /Social Development Field (preferred)

Further quality in Water/ Sanitation or Civil Engineering (preferred)

-In community Based Watsan Experience in developed country

-Minimum of the 2 years working in livelihood, recovery programme

-Experience of working for a humanitarian organisation and/or the Red Cross /Red Crescent Movement

-Experience in communication

-Experience in baseline survey

-Experience in Water resource Exploitation and water supply

-Experience in working in both emergency and developmental contexts and engaging effectively with beneficiaries especially women and children and the other vulnerable groups

-Experience in sanitation (in plot and off plot) (preferred)

-Experience / knowledge of Hygiene promotion implementation (preferred)


Self- supporting in computers (Windows Spreadsheets, word-processing)

Valid international driving licences (manual gears)

Skills in training and developing staff
How to apply:
  1. read the job details shown above
  2. if you feel that this job is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" button
  3. follow the instructions shown in that new page
Please note that each job has its own conditions and method to apply

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